- You must be juried in the category in which you are showing.
- Dues must be paid in full.
- You set your own sales price.
- MAG charges sales tax to buyers, and remits the collected sales tax directly to New York State.
- 2D Work must be no larger than 36″ in any direction, unless you have reserved a space for a larger work. There are 5 spaces available for wall work over this size.
- Large 3D work is welcomed. Please reserve floor space if needed.
- Any work that is not clean, or that has a shabby frame or mat will NOT be hung. Oils or acrylics that are unframed must be finished around the edges, with no staples showing. If matted, we prefer clean white or off white, although alternative mats may be accepted.
- Each member may exhibit only one piece.
- Work must NOT have been previously exhibited in the gallery.
- Work must arrive framed and ready to hang. Sawtooth hangers will not be accepted.
- There is a $15 entry fee.
- All work must be for sale.