Useful instructions and examples for use of this Website:

Our Artists page contains a Filterable Portfolio module which allows many Categories (Oil, Acrylic) to be displayed and selected at the top of the page. Each artist is set up by creating a new Project.

Adding a new MAG artist to “Our Artists” page (artists can read the requirements of what to send on the Website Private page under Help us Market Your Work).
Project/Add New.
Title = Artists name.
Permalink/Edit  add artist name like this:   firstname-lastname   then click OK.
Use Divi Builder/Load from Library/Add from Library/Artist Project Layout/Load.
Save Draft.
Project Categories (in right sidebar) – tick every medium this artist juried into.
Featured Image (in right sidebar) – choose 1 image that the artist sent you – a horizontal format is better.
Top Row: Text – change to add artist’s name. The reason this is in here and needs changing for every artist is that the artist’s name doesn’t appear anywhere else on the page.
2nd Row – there should be 1 image and 1 text for each medium the artist is juried into. If you need new Image and text boxes, copy the existing ones and move them.
Images: Upload New Image (less than 500KB) and change Link URL to artist’s personal website.
Text: change to show details of image.

Displaying Artists (Projects) Alphabetically
Once a new artist (Project) is created and published, you need to rearrange the new Project by alphabetical order (by last name). The only way we have found so far to do this is to use the Post Types Order plugin and manually rearrange the Projects. To do this open Projects/Reorder and drag the new Projects into the correct position.

Adding a new Category (Medium – Oil, Glass etc)
Projects/Categories/ Add New Category. Type category name in Name and in Slug. Add.
Pages/Our Artists/Filterable Portfolio/ tick new Category.
Even though the new category has been added, it will not appear on the Our Artists page until an Artist (Project) is in the category. So if you added Lithographs as a category, it won’t be displayed until you create a Project (Artist) who has this Category ticked.

Adding/Updating New Exhibits or Events

  1. Create a new Page for the exhibit/workshop/event (some exhibits, like Gift of Art, may need a public page and a separate guidelines page for members). To do this use, Pages, Add New from left menu.
  2. Add Title for the exhibit or event. Use the current year at the end of the title. (The title you enter will not appear on the website, it is just used so you can find the page, however, if this is a brand new page, the url will be the same as the title, so keep it clear and simple.) Save draft.
  3. Edit the url (if necessary)
  4. Go to Page Attributes (lower right) then choose Exhibits and Events under Parent.  (This means the page will appear under Exhibits and Events in the Dashboard, making it easier to find when you need to edit it. It does not mean it will automatically appear under At the Gallery menu on the website.) Save Draft.
  5. See Page Content instructions to add the appropriate content.
  6. Once the page content is added, you need to link to this page from several places:
    1. Home page. Look at the live Home page and you will see a series of small images and text relating to upcoming exhibits and events. You need to add your new event here. To do this, open the Home page and Edit. In the Divi Builder there is a section called Exhibits, Workshops and Events. beneath this are a series of image and text blocks. Each one relates to an event on the home page. Copy an existing image block. Open the new image block (doubleclick when you see the symbol like a large + sign) and Upload an Image for the new event. In the same block, change the Link Url to the url for the new page you created earlier. Click Save & Exit. Now copy an existing text block, open it and change the text so it reflects your new event. Click Save & Exit. Move the text boxes around so that they are in date order for upcoming events. Delete any image and text boxes for past events. Click Update.
    2. MAG Members page (this is the private, password protected page on the website). Edit the MAG Members page then open the Calendar text block and type in the relevant dates for your new event. Remove any information for past exhibits/events. Click Update.
    3. If your event is live immediately, you need to add it into the list of options under At the Gallery on the website. To do this, click on Appearances then Menus in the Dashboard. Make sure MAIN_M (Primary) is selected. On the left, under Pages, Most Recent, look for your new event page. Click to select it then click Add to Menu. Scroll down the page and your new event page should show up on the right side, at the bottom of the menu. Drag it up until it is nested under the At The Gallery option. Below it will be a listing for an exhibition that has just finished. Click on the down arrow for the exhibition and chick Remove. Click Save Menu (bottom of page).

Page Content
Edit a page and use Divi Builder to add, edit and remove content. (These instructions need updating by Robin henschel)
IVI BUILDER then INSERT COLUMN.  select a column divider option then INSERT MODULE.  Decide on an IMAGE or TEXT for your column.   For an image hit UPLOAD IMAGE, SELECT FILES, DESKTOP (or where ever your image is kept) click on the file then OPEN (bottom right button).  The size should be 800 to 1200 pixels but you can resize under ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SET on the right.  Hit SET AS IMAGE then SAVE AND EXIT.  To open loaded text or image use the square moving image not the hand image and double click to highlight text.  To change the size, click PARAGRAPH, choose OPTION then SAVE AND EXIT.

Home Page Header/Slider Images: Everything to do with the home page images and their transitions/display can be found under Revolution Slider in the tool bar on the left . Before you add a slider image make sure that you have edited the image to the appropriate size, either in photoshop or any other software. The size of the image should be 3000px wide x 800px tall. To edit a specific slide use the Edit Slides option. You can add buttons, text & links. There is an example slide which includes these. You can also add ‘Visible From’ and ‘Visible To’ dates if the slide is time-sensitive (like a slide advertizing jurying).  You can exclude any slide from display by clicking circular button on left of slide (in main Rev Slider page). If you click a slide to make it display but it does not appear, check that the ‘Visible From’ and ‘Visible To’ dates are correct. To make a copy of an existing slide use Duplicate, not Copy.

Adding a Paypal Button into a Page: Open MAG’s Paypal account then select Tools/All Tools/Integrate Paypal/Paypal Buttons. You can create from scratch or you can edit a Saved Button (there should be a link to these on this page). Create the button with the relevant payment options. When the button is saved, copy the hmtl text and paste it into the correct location on the website page (on the page, switch to the Text view, instead of the Visual view). Save and test!

To add “© Alison Nicholls” so it appears when you hover over an image: add an image into a module as usual. On Advanced tab, type the text into the Image Title Text field. (Hold down “Alt” & type 0169 to get copyright symbol.)

Copying an existing Page: Open page to be copied. Open Divi builder. Upload to Library. Create new Page. Load from Library.

MAG Logo image:
Dasboard/Divi/Theme Logo
Upload a png file on transparent background. Best size 250×55 pixels.

When you create a page with a complex format (maps, portfolios etc) its a good idea to Upload the Page layout to the Library, so if you lose the page, you can go back to the layout that worked.

Allowing download of pdfs from website
You can upload a pdf file the same way you upload an image. Open the image and copy the url. Then, on the relevant page, create a button or a text link and insert the url for the pdf. See Artist Membership in Library as example.

Slideshows of images.
Tried using builtin Divi gallery option but found that slideshow was not visible when using apple devices.
Instead, downloaded Meta Slider plugin. You can find this at the bottom of Dashboard. Make changes there. To add it to a page, copy the code from Meta Slider settings, then from Divi builder add a Code block and insert the code.

Menus seen by the reader when they open our website, are located under Appearance. We use the Main Menu whether the user views our website from a computer, tablet or phone, because it allows us to nest items. To change items in the menu, select the Main Menu then add addition pages as required. these will appear at the bottom and can be dragged into place in the menu list. Menu items can link to a document or a page. See Read Our Newsletter option below.

Read our Newsletter menu option.
If you have a copy of the MAG latest newsletter in email, open it and click the link at the top that takes you to the webpage version. Copy the url. (If you don’t have a copy of the latest newsletter in email, you can ask the Gallery Director to send you a copy or you can logon to Constant Contact, find the newsletter – under Campaigns, click on the name of the newsletter, click More Actions then Share URL. Copy the URL shown in the box).
Once you have copied the URL, come back to the MAG website, choose Dashboard/Appearance/Menus, choose Main Menu, find Read our Newsletter and use down arrow on screen to open details. Paste newsletter link into url box. Click Save Menu at top.

Footer Menu
(can only be a menu, not text):
Dashboard/Divi/Theme Customizer/
Currently contains copyright info + FB icon.

Footer Text:
Appearance/Widgets then drag Text widget to one of the Footer options.
We are currently using Footer 1. Contains MAG address/opening hours.

Social Media icons
Ultimate Social Media plugin was installed (April 2020) and settings can be changed by finding this on Dashboard. Icons were set up to be used in Widget. So Open Appearance/Widgets and you’ll find Social Media icons in Footer 1. Icons display on every page.

Bottom Bar: Dashboard/Divi/Theme Customizer/

Resolved Problems.
Initially when we set up Our Artists page we could not get more than 10 projects to be displayed. This was resolved by changing Settings/Reading/Blog Post show at Most setting to “200”.

If DIVI is updated to a new version and editing format changes, you can get the Classic format back by clicking DIVI (on Dashboard) then Theme Options, then Builder then choose Advanced tab then enable the Classic Divi Editor.

Different Portfolio Options (used in Our Artists page).
There is a page layout saved in the Library containing several different options. To see it, create new page, open Divi builder, Load from Library, choose Different Portfolio options.

Contact Page
Added %%email%% to Contact Form module, so that sender’s email address appears at the top of the email received by gallery.