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Show dates: April 5 – 30, 2021
2021 Award Winners
FIRST PLACE: Maria Teresa Ortiz-Naretto, “Body Study 148”
SECOND PLACE: Alan Garry, “Florence”
THIRD PLACE: Mitchell Visoky, “Dance I”
Honorable Mention: Shreya Mehta, “Flowing Fluid 4”
To purchase an artwork please call the gallery 914-834-1117
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Click to read Juror’s comments about the winning artworks HERE
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Christine Knowlton, Metal Bridges, Collage, Mirror, Auto Glass, Acrylic on canvas, 12″x12″x1.5″, $750
Michael Washburn, Moon for the Heart Broken, Manipulated digital photograph, 14″x14″, $250-HONORABLE MENTION
Shreya Mehta, Flowing Fluid 4, Alcohol Ink on cold pressed arches paper, 10″x8″x1″, $350-HONORABLE MENTION

Juror: Jill Sarver Rossi
Jill Sarver Rossi is Deputy Director with the Rome Art Program, a NYC-based educational organization in Rome, Italy and is Senior Curator with Cynthia Byrnes Contemporary Art, Westport, CT. She received her M.F.A. in Painting from Western Connecticut State University, M.A. in Painting and Drawing from Eastern Illinois University, and B.F.A in Painting and B.A. in Spanish from Miami University.
She has juried and curated independent exhibitions and taught art education throughout the Midwest and New York metro area and continues her studio practice at The Knowlton, Bridgeport, CT.
Thank you to all artists who submitted work to this exhibition. Though the selection process is never easy, it was a delight to see the variety of approaches and myriad of subjects presented on an intimate scale.
Often, small works can be overlooked or not taken seriously. Some think that smaller is easier or safer; I could not disagree more. With a small surface, there is less room—less room for mistakes or second guesses. Hesitations become obvious. Strong decisions are confident and clearly visible. To me, a small work often encompasses the essence of what the artist desires to communicate. There is no room for anything more.
Thanks again to each of you for sharing your work with me after this quiet year. It was a pleasure and I wish you each the best in your creative endeavors.