
We will be adding contact details for chairs of these committees soon, as the new website is updated.

Hanging & Display Committee
Hangs 2D work and displays 3D work in all MAG exhibitions, usually in early evening on a week night. Volunteers need a good eye for design, must be able to move and hang art, and work as part of a team.

Volunteers help with all MAG receptions; need to be available to attend some receptions during the year (most occur on Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons); purchase and set up food (costs are reimbursed); help with boutique and jewelry purchases; and tidy up after receptions.

Gallery Management
This committee is managed by the Gallery Director and consists of volunteers willing to help with receiving and pickup for exhibitions; Gallery cleanup in August; sending out mailings; and any other tasks around the gallery.

Juried Shows Committee
Organizes juried shows open to members and non-members of MAG, such as Small Works Show held annually in late spring. Volunteers help with a wide variety of tasks including exhibit guidelines; handling submissions; locating & coordinating with juror; shipping artwork etc.

Student Show Committee
Organizes our annual student show, in January or February, featuring work by local high school students. Volunteers coordinate with teachers & students; arrange award certificates and prizes; and perform a variety of other tasks.

Solo Shows & Spotlights Committee
Handles arrangements for solo and spotlight shows (exhibitions shared by a small number of artists) at the Gallery. Volunteer must be organized; able to use email; & coordinate with artists & Gallery Director. Shows occur throughout the year but committee tasks involve planning and scheduling rather than being at the Gallery for the exhibits.

Awards Show Committee
Organizes Annual Members Awards show, occurring in the Fall. Volunteers coordinate with exhibition sponsor, awards juror and create publicity materials including a postcard.

Holiday Show Committee
Organizes our successful annual holiday show – A Gift of Art. Volunteers are involved in all aspects of the show, from arranging a festive and attractive layout to planning publicity.

Group Exhibitions Committee
A source of new ideas for group shows. Volunteers need to brainstorm and suggest new exhibit themes and titles, including exhibits relevant to local or national events.

3D Committee
Volunteers need to suggest exhibits and events to ensure that 3D work receives equal weight in the Gallery and exhibition schedule. Volunteers need to be 3D artists.

Out Of Gallery Committee
Locates suitable venues for exhibitions outside the Gallery; proposes exhibits to the Board of Directors; plans exhibit & coordinates with artists & venue. Volunteers need to visit potential venues and help with all aspects of exhibitions.

Graphic Design Committee
Volunteers are needed to design postcards, flyers, signs and any other required materials. Must have access to their own design software.

Nominating Committee
Responsible for controlling election of Board of Directors at Annual Meeting of the Membership, in June. Volunteer needs to coordinate with current Directors; inform potential Directors about responsibilities; make sure ballots (proxy and in person) are correctly completed and counted at the Annual Meeting.

Programs Committee
Volunteers think of unique, interesting programs, for MAG artists and for the community at large, then plan the event with the presenter and Gallery Director.

Computer Committee
This committee oversees all the computers and other technology in use in the Gallery. Volunteers need to be computer literate and able to help MAG use technology to best advantage on a limited budget. Knowledge of Microsoft products (Word, Excel & Access in particular), WordPress or Constant Contact are helpful although training can be provided.

Finance Committee
This committee meets quarterly and oversees the finances of the Guild as well as being involved in grant writing. You do not have to have financial qualifications but must be organized.

Fundraising Committee
Volunteers need to suggest and plan events to raise funds for the operation of the Guild. Brainstorming and thinking outside the box are an advantage.

Social Media Committee
MAG has Facebook & Instagram accounts but we are interested in other social media options. Volunteers need to be computer and/or cellphone literate.

Membership Committee
Volunteers promote MAG membership (artist, corporate, friend of the gallery, family, emerging artists etc) within the community, and help with Jurying in the Spring & Fall.

Marketing & Community Outreach Committee
Volunteers find ways to market MAG in the community; attend Chamber of Commerce & ArtsWestchester meetings; & find new ways to promote MAG exhibits and events.