Solo & Spotlight Shows

As an Artist or Emerging Artist member, you are entitled to have a Solo Show or Spotlight Show (an exhibit shared by 2 or more artists). Solo or spotlight shows are allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Please contact the chair of the Solo Show Committee to apply. The information below explains the process and payment schedule.

Solo Show Guidelines

In order to have a Solo or Spotlight Show, each exhibiting artist must have paid their membership dues, and any other outstanding payments owed to MAG must be paid in full.

Artists may only exhibit artwork which is for sale and most of the work must be in the mediums in which you are juried.  If an artist wishes to show artwork in a medium for which he or she has not been juried, the artist must present a sample of the artwork to the Gallery Director and receive approval. This work should not comprise more than 25% of total work shown. Works exhibited at the MAG Gallery are not insured, so it is suggested that exhibitors obtain their own insurance coverage for the duration of the show.

It is understood that a selection of fine crafts in a permanently designated, specially designed area of the gallery will remain on exhibit and for sale during all solo and spotlight shows. Sculptures may remain on pedestals around the gallery if the artist is not paying for the floor space. MAG has a busy exhibition and event schedule so it is possible that other events (workshops, meetings etc) may be scheduled in the Gallery during your exhibition. This can be very advantageous to an exhibiting artist as more people are entering the Gallery and seeing the exhibition. MAG will staff the gallery during the hours it is open to the public.  Exhibiting artists are free to keep the gallery open on Sunday and Monday if they are present during the run of their show. If the artist is in the gallery during non-gallery hours, the artist is responsible for lockup and setting of the alarm.

Artists must schedule a meeting with the Gallery Director and Solo Show Chair to go over their responsibilities during their show. Gallery keys will be signed out to the artist when the balance of their fee is due and before the hanging date. Artists will be responsible for returning the keys to the gallery promptly at the close of the show.

Check with the Gallery Director before scheduling your reception(s) to be sure there are no conflicts. Only one opening reception and closing reception (if desired) will be scheduled for Solo and Spotlight shows even though several artists may be exhibiting together. Artists sharing a show must coordinate the reception together with the Gallery Director. Receptions are generally held on Saturday from 3 – 5 p.m. If there is a problem with this time, please contact the Gallery Director. Thursday, Friday, or Saturday evening receptions during non-Gallery hours cost an additional $25 per hour for staff, to be paid prior to the reception. The gallery will have volunteers to clean up the gallery and remove all trash at the end of the reception.

All sales shall be made through MAG with credit cards, checks made out to Mamaroneck Artists Guild, or cash. MAG shall remit sales proceeds, minus the MAG commission, to the artist within 30 days of the closing of the show. We allow artists to leave business cards and other promotional materials during the exhibition, so there are occasions when a visitor will contact the artist directly during or after the exhibit. We rely on artists to honor any commissions they owe to MAG as a result of a visitor seeing their work in their exhibition.

Please familiarize yourself with details of MAG Commissions on Sales and take careful note of commissions relating to private sales (as a result of your MAG exhibit).


  • Reserve your exhibition date by completing the Solo Show Contract sent to you by the Solo Show Chair. After receiving the Contract, you have 2 weeks to sign it and send it, along with a 40% non-refundable deposit check, to the Gallery Director at MAG. (If your exhibit has to be canceled due to circumstances beyond your control or ours, the deposit may be refunded in full.) If we do not receive the signed contract and deposit, the exhibition date will not be reserved for you.
  • At least 2 months before your show, send the completed Publicity material to the gallery director along with good quality jpegs of several select pieces from your show. Be sure to include the title, medium, and size for each image. You must also send an artist’s bio or statement and description of your work. The Gallery Director will send out your publicity to the MAG newsletter, website, social media and online publicity sites as well as to the gallery list of print publications. Some of these publications require press releases several weeks before a show, so the sooner you put your press release together, the better. Any paid publicity will be the responsibility of the artist.
  • 1 month before your show, pay the remainder of the Gallery rental fee and check your hanging, take-down and reception dates with the Gallery Director. Also confirm that the Gallery Director approves any work you wish to show in a medium in which you are not juried.
  • 1 week before you hang the show, send the Gallery Director a list of all artwork with title, media, prices, and framed sizes to create labels. The artist MUST adhere to the advice of the gallery director or gallery representative as to the amount of work that may be shown.  On the day the show is hung we will make every effort to have someone from the committee there to offer advice as to placement, etc.  A floor plan of the gallery will be available from the Gallery in advance to help you plan the layout of your show.

Gallery Rental Costs

If you would like only the wall space:
The fee for 1 artist is $1000.
The fee for 2 or more artists sharing the wall space is $1200.
As you are only using the walls, MAG may place a limited number of sculptures on the floor.

If you would like only the floor space:
The fee for 1 artist is $500.
The fee for 2 or more artists sharing the floor space is $800.
As you are only using the floor space, MAG may use the walls for an exhibit of 2D work.

If you would like the entire gallery – walls and floor space:
The fee for 1 or 2 artists is $1600.
The fee for 3 or more artists sharing the space is $1800.

Artist Responsibilities

Exhibiting artists are responsible for:

  • Installation and dismantling of the show (which includes clean-up and proper storage of hanging system in container provided by the gallery),
  • Printed invitations. Invitations should be ordered from the printer of your choice. If you wish to mail to MAG membership, customers or patrons, the gallery director will print labels from our mailing list. The cost is $10 for the membership labels and $10 for customer and patron labels.
  • Signage for the widow or door (Exhibition Poster)
  • Altering lighting- please get permission by the Gallery Director.
  • Opening and closing receptions (if desired), including purchase of food, drink and other items.

General Information

Most solo show artists spend a great deal of time thinking about how they will hang their show, and how they will use the Gallery space to display their work most advantageously. However, when artists finally actually start hanging their work, they often wish there were another pair of eyes to help them get the best “look”.  The gallery director or an advisor from the MAG hanging committee will meet with you before the show to review the work you will be showing and to help select the number of pieces that the gallery can accommodate. They are available to provide assistance and advice, though the primary responsibility for this installation is the artist’s.

When hanging your work, we suggest that you leave at least 8-10 inches between each piece so that each piece can breathe and stand out. A suggested height from the floor is 59” to the center of the artwork. Smaller pieces can be double hung.

The gallery walls have a hanging system that employs wires hanging from track with moveable hooks that slide up and down easily.  Please check with the gallery director on how to use this system.   Nails are not allowed unless permission is received from the gallery director.  If nails are used, it is the responsibility of the artist to repair the walls.The hanging system is quite expensive, so please be sure to remove it carefully when your show is over and store it properly in the container provided by the gallery for this purpose. Remove all wall and pedestal labels.

The window can be used for showing the artist’s work. There are up to 2 sets of tensioned hanging cables with multiple hooks, which allows for a wide configuration of hanging styles. Please make sure you understand how to release and tension of the wires when using this system. Boutique items such as sculpture and ceramics will remain in the window to complement the exhibiting artist’s work.

An exhibiting artist may have matted, unframed work (covered with protective plastic) in his/her own bin in the main section of the gallery.  The artist may include giclee prints in his or her show.  Giclees must be clearly labeled and the Gallery will exhibit a definition of a giclee.  All bin pieces should be labeled with your name, the title, medium and price.