Imaginary Places
Tuesday, January 9 to Saturday, January 27, 2018
MAG Presents, “Imaginary Places,” a group exhibit exploring the role of the artists imagination, in how we interpret, distill and amplify experience, to create new artwork. Imaginary Places could be any place we inhabit or wish to inhabit, a prediction of the future, or a visit to the past. The imaginary place could be a person, or a scene, an architectural space, a man-made space, an interior space or a dreamscape. It could even be a mood.
Come join us at the MAG Gallery this January to view what is certain to be a fascinating and diverse selection of works that interpret what the theme, Imaginary Places means to our artist members.
Opening Reception: Saturday, January 13 from 3 to 5pm.
Gallery Hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 12 noon to 5 p.m. Admission to the Gallery is free. Every purchase supports our skilled, local Artist members and our Gallery.